Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dear Diary,

I've been missing in action for awhile.  But for good reason.  Isaac Judsen was born March 31st.  He is quite the little guy.  He ended up being a C section - which meant Meme was needed longer than had been expected.

So now, to catch up with what's happening regarding The Scrap Inn. 

My business cards arrived - now I need to start passing them out.  They look very nice.  I hope they will generate not only interest in The Scrap Inn - but will be placed in the hands of future guests. 

I had become very discouraged in the property search - it is not going at all how I expected.  I have had a hard time getting answers from those who are supposedly finding me the property.  Not quite sure what the problem is with that.  Then there are some other issues that I can't discuss here - that have come up.  Sunday night - Bob and I came up with the perfect plan.  Only to realize about an hour later that it would not work.  So, needless to say I was becoming very discouraged.

While feeling discouraged I had to remind myself, that I need to put my trust in God - and not become discouraged by circumstances.  I reminded myself that if this is God's plan (which I believe it is) - it will work out - just the way it's suppose to in His timing.  Bob and I began discussing other options - which led me to look on Craig's list for a house.  (I hardly ever go on Craig's list).  Anyway, tonight I called about a house on Craig's List.  It sounds perfect - the price is right - the location is good - and this may be a better option regarding financing.  The house is still occupied by the owners - and it may be a while before they are actually ready to sell - so now it's a waiting game.  I can't go into all the details - but it looks very promising.  My prayer is that God will open the doors He wants us to go through - and that I will be patient and allow things to happen in His timing.  I'm reminded of the verse - God has a plan for me - a plan to prosper me and not to harm me. He's in control. 

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