Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Diary,

Another one to scratch from my list.  This was one I've been wanting to see for a while.  But was having a hard time getting someone willing to take me to see it.

Posted by PicasaOnce again, there was the neighborhood issue - although not as bad.  But I could hear Bob saying "No" as I drove into the neighborhood.  The spiral staircase - was very "appealing" but not at all practical - or for that matter, barely usable.  As I walked up them, I commented to the realtor, that had I not just lost 50 pounds, I don't think I'd have been able to fit.  The stairs were very narrow - barely shoulder width - and the only access to the upstairs.  Carrying a suitcase up the stairs would be almost impossible - but even more than that - I don't have a clue how the furniture would get up there.... Other than that, the house was too small - and the "game room" was way too small for the Scraproom!  

The drive was exactly 30 miles from work - and took 50 minutes - so, I did decide that was not too far - and maybe 50 or 60 miles would be doable!  

I've gotten a lot of response from the Realtors I contacted - and feel like I am finally able to make some progress.  Even if it's just deleting properties from my list - and being more aware of what I'm needing and wanting.

So, the search continues.  I've got another property scheduled to see.  I'll keep you posted.

Tomorrow I am going to an all day crop with my friend.  (So why am I not planning pages & packing?).  I'm hoping to be able to do some networking while I'm there.  I hope to have the opportunity to hand out some of my business cards to the other scrappers.  We'll see!

I'm still wanting more opinions as to whether you would be comfortable knowing there was a prison within 5 miles of the inn?  What do you think?


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